Book Review Police of the Harry Holt Thriller Crime Series

Police by Jo Nesbo is part of the Harry Holt series and the first one that I have read. But it won’t be the last. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thriller novel. Unlike every other book I’ve read I didn’t have a favourite character. Or a character that I couldn’t stand. Every one played an important role in this novel. With the villains being unpredictable and just as acceptable as the heroes.

Book review Police by Jo Nesbo.

I’m going to confess something with this book review. It is here because I don’t remember the storylines and characters of novels like most people do. So this is my hack. That said, Police has stayed with me.

Unlike recent reading I thoroughly got in to this story and struggled to put the book down. Yes, I read a real paper book, not a kindle version. I almost read the whole thing in three days. Perhaps this was due to a combination of the book being very well written, and the fact that I was on holiday. I couldn’t be distracted by housework, and my three month old baby slept for hours on the boat. Everyone loves that rocking motion.

A lot of the time I can be reading a book or watching a movie and predict what is going to happen next. But there were so many spins in Police that I really couldn’t take a guess. Perhaps it has been too long since I’ve read a book of this calibre.

I struggled to put the book down, and had to put a bed time curfew on myself. Boy am I glad I did, because when I picked up the book to read the last few pages the next morning the ‘ending’ left me thinking for hours.

Police is Hard to Put Down

In my true form, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed a book in a series when the next one hasn’t been released. Police is book ten of the Harry Holt series, but it was easy to jump into as the first one I’ve read. I guess I will just have to start at the beginning of the series and work my way through. Hopefully Jo Nesbo will beat me to Harry Holt #11.

This thriller really did have me on the edge of my seat. I found myself noticing that whilst I didn’t care if a particular character got killed off, my heart was still racing as the author set the scene so vibrantly. I won’t give you a short line of the book, as you can find it here, but I will tell you that it is definitely worth reading.

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