How to Make a Healthy Snack the Family Will Love

We had a glut of eggs so I invented a healthy snack in the kitchen and it turned out delicious.

Being in hospital for three days having my baby meant that I came home to nine eggs just waiting to be eaten. But since having Miss D I haven’t felt like eggs for breakfast. So we ended up with dozens of eggs and literally no where to put them. This meant I made Paleo frittata muffins. They are super healthy and a quick snack that is easy to grab to eat hot or cold….just what every new Mum needs in the fridge.

Healthy snack mini frittata.

How did a new Mum manage to make something other than toast? I was super lucky as Miss D had a three and a half hour nap after a feed. She is just like her Mum; she likes to have a full tummy and lots of sleep. Sadly her idea of lots of sleep isn’t the same as mine for night time just yet, but as far as babies go she is pretty brilliant. I think Miss D somehow understands that her Mum is a monster if she is sleep deprived.

Recipe and Method For Paleo Healthy Snack Frittata

  1. Fry up some bacon in a non stick pan, remove the cooked bacon from the pan.
  2. Use the bacon fat to cook onions and mushrooms.
  3. Whisk up some eggs in a pouring jug, season with salt and pepper, then add some Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce to give it a bit of a kick. Yum!
  4. Spoon the bacon, mushrooms and onions in to muffin trays.
  5. Pour the egg mixture over the top.
  6. Cook in a 180 degrees Celsius oven until they are cooked. Sorry but my baby started to stir once they were in the oven so I really have no idea how long they were baking for. I’d have a stab in the dark and say around fifteen minutes.

These were super easy and quick to make and are a good source of protein. No doubt they would bind together better and taste amazing with cheese, but I wanted to keep them Paleo since my breakfasts are still jam packed full of grains. Plus the baby spews when I binge on cheese.

Now I just need to try adding more veggies to make them even more nutritious.

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