Book Review A History of Wild Women, Pamela Robson

On a chance visit to our local library the non fiction book Wild Women by Pamela Robson caught my eye amongst a jammed packed shelf. I was at the library with one of my wild daughters and decided to borrow the book. It opened my eyes to many people who were born as females that didn’t follow the restrictive social norms that were set during their lifetimes.

Sadly many of these women did pretend to be males in order to be taken seriously and achieve their goals.

Non-Fiction book Wild Women by Pamela Robson

One such female who I not surprisingly loved reading about was Anne Bonny. Anne was a rampaging Irish pirate. She would chose to dress and act as either female or male whenever it pleased her or for the social situation she was in. Naturally, I can confirm that whilst being on a boat wearing flowing skirts is fun, it doesn’t make for a great deckhand.

Another inspirational female was the infamous Queen of the Sydney Underworld; Kate Leigh. Kate Leigh’s business may be questionable to some, but that shouldn’t take away from her impeccable business skills. Not to mention the way she handled a weapon when thugs broke into her home.

I thoroughly enjoyed being transported back in time through this non fiction piece of literature. Seeing how females have continually fought to shape their world shows us we are still fighting the fight.

If you are looking for a piece of non-fiction to read then get to your local library and pick this one up. Of course, you can purchase it from the link or suggest your local library buys it for you and your community.

Women Needing Shortcuts

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