Growing Zucchini From Seed

The clouds are threatening rain this morning, so I quickly ducked outside to do a garden inspection and got excited by the progress of the zucchini seedlings. Sadly there is no sunshine to make the photo look great, but Mark got out there with his good camera (which I haven’t picked up for months) and managed to get some good shots. Check out what can happen in just a few short days.

Zucchini germinating from seed..

A zucchini seedling bursting out from the soil first thing in the morning is shown above. Then you can see the difference that 24 hours can make in the life of a zucchini seedling in the photo below. It only tool one day for that tiny seed to go from breaking the soil to having two photosynthesising leaves.

Zucchini germinated seeds at 10 days.

The difference that

Whilst I was out checking on the seedlings I joyously spotted a strawberry hiding amongst green leaves. You have to love the glimpse of colour you spot when you see a delicious strawberry growing. It is so promising, especially when there is another bud right next to it.

Strawberry plant fruiting in September,

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