Stunning Langkawi Sunset Cruise from Casa del Mar Resort

The all inclusive Sunset Cruise at Langkawi was unbelievably enjoyable. To be honest, I think Mark and I really enjoyed stepping on another persons  boat and being looked after. Normally we are the hosts on the boat or on the boat with family helping out.

It was lovely to simply step on a boat empty handed then enjoy a delicious dinner and drinks, and not have to clean a thing.

This time we just sat back, relaxed, took in the scenery and enjoyed a drink whilst meeting new people.

Langkawi Casa Del Mar sunset cruise.

The weather turned nasty and a rain squall came through, yet all the same it was still extremely enjoyable. We simply ate our yummy dinner sitting in the cabin. And hey, when you are with a group of poms you have to expect that the rain will find them.

When the rain stopped we stepped back out in to the cockpit and awed at more islands and the gorgeous sunset. It was truly a memorable evening, and just what every honeymooning couple should do.

This was another very special gift from our cousins. I can highly recommend getting out on the water when visiting Langkawi. Looking back at the resort and having a new perspective is a great little adventure.

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