Spoilt Backyard Chickens Get Fancy Feeders for Thanks Giving

It’s thanks giving weekend and the chickens are getting well and truly looked after. The chickens and I were gifted a brand new super efficient chicken feeder.

My daughter’s birthday present of seven baby chicks are currently living in the old coop, but will be in the main hen house before we know it.  Which will make eleven hungry birds to feed.

Currently we have four adult chickens in the main coop who are well set up with a Royal Rooster feeder and nipple water system (that my handy husband made).

Backyard chicken treadle feeder for chickens

We have seven, ten week old chicks that were only a day or two old when we got them. Despite what I was led to believe, there have been no casualties, (despite Hey Hey’s crazy antics. Odds say we should get a few roosters that will need to be removed from the flock, but at 10 weeks old there aren’t any definite gender signs.

New Chicken Feeder

So, we could have eleven hungry chickens to feed. That will also need more room to roam for my peace of mind, but that is the next hurdle to cross. My first one of feeding them was already solved for me, by my Dad turning up with a Backyard Chicken Coops  treadle feeder. 

Thanks Dad, you surprise me with the most thoughtful and unusual gifts. I’d also like to thank the chickens for providing us with food and endless entertainment. And show gratitude to the universe for our backyard, and our amazing family to enjoy it all.

Training has began with the old girls to learn how to use the new feeder. Luckily food is always a good motivator.

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