My Baby Turned Two in the Blink of an Eye

I blinked and all of a sudden my baby turned two. It feels like only yesterday when brilliant photographer Sheridan Nilsson came and captured the expressions of one day old Lara.

One day old baby Lara.

During the weeks leading up to this milestone her vocabulary exploded. Along with demands to “go outside, dig worms”, and “babycinno me” said with the most adorable Italian accent that came out of no where.

Two year old girl with baby sister.

Lara also became even more caring for others and showed this by giving toys to her sister. At one point taking over feeding Olivia dinner. We are still working on the whole sharing thing though.

Lara’s first birthday feels like three months ago, not twelve.

One year old Lara.

Everyday with my babies is amazing. We may not tick all the boxes everyday, some days we don’t do puzzles, but we always have big cuddles, read books and say “I love you” and that’s what counts.

I’m still learning to focus on the small positives that are achieved each day rather than guilting myself over the things I haven’t done. No doubt this is something many  mums do.

Now I just need to work out how to slow life down before my babies are whisked off to school.

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