Visit Restaurant Cottage Point Inn on The Waters of Kuringgai National Park

Restaurant Cottage Point Inn fish course.

For Mark’s 30th birthday he got spoilt and taken to restaurant Cottage Point Inn for lunch. Since I’m his wife I got the privilege of accompanying him. Score, even though I couldn’t enjoy the matching wines with degustation menu since Olivia was only three weeks old. However, the rest of the table did, so I had an occasional sip. I think it is fair to say that we all thought the pairings were great.

Baby ready to go to restaurant Cottage Point Inn.

After reading the restaurant menu we were anticipating a delicious lunch. Joyfully every course was better than we had imagined. We started off with warm ratatouile salad that was flavoured with lemon thyme. This satisfied my citrus obsession nicely.

The second course of gently grilled scallops, fresh figs roasted in rosemary butter, toasted macadamia milk and charred gem lettuce read like there was going to be too much going on in the dish. However, it was perfectly balanced. Not to mention that I was stoked to be making up for all the scallops I missed out on when I was pregnant with Olivia.

Second course was cobia, a fish I hadn’t consumed before and thoroughly enjoyed. It had a nice firm flesh which I described as eating a fish steak. The leek it was served with made me a happy diner.

Restaurant Cottage Point Inn Wagyu dish.

Degustation Menu Red Meat Dishes

Third course was smoked pork belly brushed with black garlic, toasted walnut and pork skin crumb, pink grapefruit. This was my first introduction to black garlic and I loved the slightly new yet familiar flavour. I couldn’t get enough of the walnut and pork skin crumb, despite my unexplainable dislike for pork skin. Yes, I know crackling is the best thing in the world. But it has to be a freaking amazing execution of pork skin for me to even entertain the idea of putting it in my mouth. It is a textural thing for me and it is very rarely done in a way that I enjoy it. Since I love the flavour, this crumb was beyond perfect.

Next was grilled Wagyu rump cap, shaved foie gras (which melted in my mouth), marinated brown mushroom, roast onion and lemon puree. This dish did create a discussion about the animal cruelty involved with making foie gras. However, it was saved until after the delicious treat had melted in our mouths. I was surprised to find out that the animal cruelty involved in the production of this delicacy isn’t as common knowledge as I had assumed it was. Am I against the practise of making foie gras? Indefinitely YES. Is it bloody delicious? YES! Would I eat it again? The activist in me would like to say no, but let’s be honest, my tastebuds would totally win that argument.

Restaurant Cottage Point Inn dessert blueberry parfait.

A Restaurant That Serves Two Courses of Dessert

After a perfectly balanced rich red meat course along came dessert, well the first dessert anyway. Blueberry parfait, natural yoghurt sorbet, salted caramel pistachio crumb was as pretty on the eye as it was in the mouth. A few simple flavours perfectly married together with creamy and crumbly textures. The little surprise in the middle added to the theatre of the day. Did I mention we were at Cottage Point Inn, which provides perfect viewing of Cowan Creek and all the beauty that nature has to offer?

Restaurant Cottage Point Inn dessert coffee.

The combination of chocolate and mint ice cream meant that you could have been mistaken for thinking this dessert was made especially for the birthday boy. Not to mention the smooth coffee flavours that also came through.

After this delightful afternoon everyone was stuffed. Except me, I could have easily done it all again. I am eating enough to fuel two humans after all. The venue was perfect, the staff were friendly and the food was delicious. When can we go back?

Restaurant Cottage Point Inn chocolate sticks.

Do you fancy enjoying a degustation lunch at Cottage Point Inn? I highly recommend contacting Off The Map boat charters to get you there.

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