How To Bake Bread and Relax

Loaf of home baked bread on a wooden chopping board.

On Saturday morning I baked bread. I woke up from a 17 hour sleep with remnants of the migraine that put me to bed in the first place. My head was foggy and I wasn’t feeling myself. I knew I needed to get out in the garden to repair but the sun was too bright, so I retreated to my old and long forgotten friend, baking.

I baked my first loaf of bread, and the gentle rolling of the loaf was therapeutic. This age old practice is not hard as most people assume, but thoroughly enjoyable. Naturally it is considerably easier if you have been given a Kitchenaid for a birthday present. The hardest part of baking bread is waiting until you can eat it.

When I find the perfect loaf I will add the recipe here. For now I will continue to enjoy the tactile therapy as I continue the search.

Female hands making bread rolling dough by hand.

My first loaf didn’t look perfect, but it didn’t look too different to bakery bread. Indeed I will continue practicing this new found hobbie.

You can read my favourite bread recipe so far by clicking the link.

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