How to Make Chocolate Madeleine AKA Petite French Tea Cakes

I’m sharing this chocolate Madeleine recipe here due to popular requests. Last Friday was my turn to cater for the weekly cake group morning tea in the office. So I made up for my lack of baking for the last few months in one nights effort.

I baked Banana Bread, Petite Lemon Cupcakes, Chocolate Brownies and Chocolate Madeleines all in one night, and I had an absolute ball. It was total baking heaven and the best active relaxation I have done in months.

Chocolate Madeleine, chocolate brownies, banana bread and lemon cupcakes.

The cook’s reward of enjoying the sugary, buttery goodness as part of quality control was great. But seeing work friends enjoy what I had made, made it even sweeter (I couldn’t avoid that pun).

Since there were a few requests from colleagues for the Petite French Tea Cakes (chocolate Madeleine) recipe I promised to post it, so here it is.

Chocolate Madeleine Recipe

Makes 12

100g self raising flour
120g butter
125g dark chocolate
100g sugar
2 eggs

Melt the chocolate over a double boiler and add the butter.

In a separate bowl beat the sugar and eggs until they are white.

Add the melted chocolate and butter mixture to the the eggs, then add the flour and mix together.

Bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius in a Madeleine tin until the Madeleine is bloated.

These petite cakes are best enjoyed dipped in a cup of tea or hot chocolate.

Bon appetit! 

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