Books To Put on Your Holiday Reading Wish List Now

With many of us counting down the days to holidays, it’s time to find a new book. Even if you aren’t going away, make the most of switching off the alarms and not playing kids taxi. Books also make great gifts, hint hint.

First things first, I will confess that I haven’t necessarily read all of the books in this list. Some of them I listened to whilst I had an audible subscription. A subscription is a gift idea, it is the gift that keeps on giving. Plus, listening to a book when you are doing laundry makes it less of a ball ache. That said, my membership is having a break because I have a pile of paperbacks demanding my attention. Sadly I can’t access my library to tell you what was a fabulous listen a few months ago.

Audible Books

Unfortunately I’m one of those people that if I haven’t held a book and looked at the cover it doesn’t stay in my brain for long. Funnily enough, that isn’t the case with Michelle Obama’s biography Becoming. I highly recommend this book. At time of writing this post it is FREE with an Audible subscription. I felt like I was sitting down having a cup of tea with Michelle Obama as she read this to me.

The photographs of all the covers below are taken in airport bookshops. Luckily I can acknowledge the fact that I’m terrible at sitting still for more than an hour, so I walk my wiggles out whilst waiting for flights. To be clear, the flight was for work and unavoidable. So to offset my carbon footprint I used my coffee keep cup, reusable water bottle and own cutlery.

In my mind, there is no better way to waste time then to browse a bookstore and find books you want to read. Being in a bookstore in an airport has the added benefit of stopping extreme purchases. You can only fit so many books in your carry on luggage. It’s a win win.

As I make my way through these novels I will update this post. Feel free to recommend any great reads that you have found.

Self Help Books

Atomic Habits by James Clear is one of those books that I listened to on audible that I would love to have on my bookshelf to refer back to. Anyone who ever starts a conversation with me about mental health knows that I had seasonal affective disorder before I knew there was a name for it. So checking in on good habits before the shit show of winter catches up with me is always a good idea.

Book Review Atomic Habits

To me this book is a basic common sense reminder to slow down and approach things strategically. When everything feels too busy and out of control, get up, make your bed, have a shower and get dressed. Then you have already achieved four things in the day. If you have the option to sit in the sun and read a book for the rest of that day than I say you’ve achieved enough and you are winning at life 😛

A parenting book on my reading list is Raising Mentally Strong Kids the blurb mentions how parents mental state affects their kids mental health. I’ve always said it, but I guess I’m hoping this book gives me permission to give myself a bit of a break. Once I read it I will let you know.


Book Fiction The Whispering by Veronica Lando

The Whispering is the debut novel of Australian author Veronica Lando. Naturally this book caught my eye by the lush forest cover, and the promise of unpredictability. It was the well deserving Winner of the Banjo Prize for Fiction.

Often I will be reading a crime novel and narrow down two suspects in the very beginning and have them locked up before I’m three quarters through the book. Not with this one. Even in the last chapter I was swinging between two different suspects. So many characters are so well developed, and the scene that is set in Granite Creek fully emersed me in the story. Do yourself a favour and give it a read. Friends, ask me to borrow it if you like.


Book by Dave Grohl autobiography

I’ve always admired Dave Grohl’s musical genius and soul, and a few people have recommended that I read his autobiography. I’m going to try and borrow this one from the library. Some books I love to keep on my bookshelf to go back to later, or to hand to a friend who is visiting. But autobiographies are library books to me, which fits in nicely to sustainable living, and tiny house living.

You could get a hard copy, Kindle edition or listen to The Storyteller on audible. We really are spoilt for choice these days. I will let you know the impact this one has on me once it’s available from the library. Since I haven’t read this one yet I can’t tell you whether or not Dave Grohl sledges Taylor Swift.

Non Fiction

My heart sang as I opened the front cover of Longpath by Ari Wallach. Seeing a development of the “This book belongs to” page which had a list for names and the date of keeping. I follow my heart and gut to be the great ancestor that our world needs. I know enough to know that I don’t know everything. This book can teach me and others a few things.

When I do add it to my collection I will write a review here. If you are someone who sees me in real life and wants to borrow it then your name can be next on the list. If you’ve already read this book please comment and let us know your take aways from it.

Fiction – Sci-Fi Books

With the world being so doom and gloom lately, I’m really enjoying the escape into fantasy and sci-fi. So the images below are of a few books that have captured my attention and are on my reading list.

I’ve put a self imposed limit on myself that I can’t buy or ask for any more books until I’ve read my unread pile. Of course, this requires me to leave my phone in another room and stop mindless scrolling. That’s a whole other story.

Please excuse me just leaving book cover photos laying around here as a brain dump. This is real life, and this is how my head works. I think if more of us are honest about such things we will all start to feel a bit better about ourselves. Enjoy being the hero in your own story these holidays.

Book The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

Wow! Did I love reading The Lost Apothecary or what?! I will probably pick it up again for another read soon because I love the way it took me back in time to a magical place. A time when the magic of herbs and plants was an artform shared from one generation to the next. A time when women looked after one another. If you want a realistic magical escape than The Lost Apothecary is the book for you.

Considering an E-Reader

If like me you have run out of room on your bookshelf, or don’t currently have a bookshelf you may want to get an e-reader. We have a Kobo and a Kindle e-reader in our house, different version for different kids so they couldn’t get mixed up. Both options are great.

It’s time for me to replace my hand me down e-reader that won’t turn on anymore. I’m looking at the small Kindle e-reader that is cost effective and will easily slide into my handbag so I’m never stuck without something to read. It’s a good way to avoid doom scrolling on your mobile phone. I’m also considering the Kobo Clara 2E which is made from recycled ocean plastic and is waterproof. This feels like a smart choice since reading in the bath is one of my favourite ways to relax.

Still To Read

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