This male chimpanzee at Taronga Zoo Sydney looks a lot like someone I know sitting back on the lounge, watching TV. I felt very privileged to witness this moment, it felt like he was comfortable with my daughters and I sitting with him and his family.
Last time we went to Taronga Zoo Sydney the Chimpanzees were in a small temporary enclosure and the babies were swinging around everywhere. It made us feel sorry for them as we know we don’t like staying inside for long on rainy days.
Seeing them exploring and thoroughly enjoying their new exhibit was a joyful experience. We can only hope that in my daughters’ life times we humans rectify the damage we have done and they can see these beautiful creatures running wild once more.
Chimpanzee Family Life
This weekend I was pleased to see the chimpanzees in their new and improved home where they were all pretty chilled out. We always end up having a snack and drink of water with the chimpanzees since we can watch them for ages. Their behaviour is so human like, only they remind us to slow down and be present. Sitting with them makes me contemplate what’s really important, and the answer always comes back to family.
We are also fans of Gibbons which are a part of the “lesser apes” family. They mate for life and sing each other mating songs that can be heard from great distances. Animals teach us so much, and whilst there are things about zoos that I don’t like they do make people see and think about our impacts.
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