Tools to Help You Easily and Sustainably Garden and Grow Food

As the days slowly get longer I could be found in the garden from dusk till dawn. Here are a few useful tools that make my marathon gardening efforts possible.

If outdoor space or sunshine is limited you might want to try a hydroponics system to get your plant fix. I must confess that I don’t need one of these so I haven’t bought one. But I certainly would like it, especially during winter when I would probably stick my head under the growing light. Being less dependent on water during the dryer seasons is also a bonus.

New chicken run and vegetable garden

Garden Tools For Maintenance Jobs

Ensure uber efficiency by keeping your tools handy with this garden tool organiser. Being floor based there is no need to drill holes, so you can just set it up and put the rest of the garage mess to shame.

Long days spent tidying up can be made much more efficient with a garden bag. These lightweight heavy duty bags are perfect for filling with weeds and sticks to fill the wheelie bin with. I can often be found walking around with a garden bag and hand rakes doing a quick general tidy up. A friend’s mum introduced me to hand rakes when we had a working bee at her farm, and as soon as we got home I bought a set. They are so handy, yes, I did it.

Never underestimate the value of a great set of pruning shears. This tool can make or break your day of joy in the garden. Get pruning shears with a great mechanism that is easily serviced, and soft grip handles for all day work.

Taking Care of Plants

With cooler weather plants can get frost bitten, and in the warmer months every creature can be racing you to your harvest. Beat both issues with greenhouse hoops and netting that can be easily customised to your garden.

If you are planting seeds than you are going to want to know what you planted where. These plant nursery labels will help you know what you planted, and how to use it.

After putting so much effort into your garden you want to make sure it is well watered. The B-hyve smart hose timer connects with your WiFi so you can easily program watering schedules, and pause the program during times of rain. This invention has saved many of my loved plants whenever I’ve gone away.

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