Feeling Grateful With My Adorable, Sassy Two-Year-Old Coffee Date

Grateful with two year old Olivia coffee date.

Two year old attitude has kicked in and fortunately feelings of being grateful have come along with it.

Yesterday I made a real effort to do fun things with my youngest daughter, just the two of us. She may have guilted me in to it last Thursday when her big sister was at kindy, and at 2pm she announced “Can we PLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE go and get Lara now?! You’re boring me!”. Ouch!

Naturally we had the boring jobs to do. Like going to the bank, and getting more food for our animals. But amongst that we did fun things, like looking at the fish, and patting the kittens at the pet shop. Then we went for a Mumma Daughter Coffee Date.

It was so lovely to sit down and slowly enjoy our special drinks whilst having a chat. My 2.5-year-old has a lot to say-not surprising really. We talked, we laughed, and I think everyone around us was probably wondering how I was enjoying banter with a little person so much. But Olivia makes me laugh with her cheekiness and wit every day.

When Children Say They Are Grateful

What was different about yesterday was that she showed such a huge amount of gratitude, out of nowhere. We were chatting, she picked up her nice giant biscuit to take a bite, paused and said “I’m really lucky Mumma”. I responded by telling her that we are really lucky, and asked her why she was thinking that right now. She said “because we are having one-on-one time just you and me (poking my arm and then her chest), and I have a yummy cookie from Tony”……”I’m a cookie monster”. We both giggled, before I told her how proud I was of her for being grateful and having such grown up thoughts.

To be honest, whilst I was super proud of my daughter for showing gratitude, I was also proud of myself for being the sort of Mum that is setting a good example for my children. It is far too easy to get swept up in the rush of life and forget how lucky we are. So, my intent for today is not only to be grateful for every tiny great moment in my day, but to also be my own cheerleader and be proud of myself for everything that I achieve today. Because the to-do list never ends.

I love how as adults we think that it’s our job to teach our children about life, but if we let them, they can teach us so much.


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