How to Make Green Tomato Relish

Jars of green tomato relish

What do you do with a glut of green tomatoes when winter sets in? Make green tomato relish of course. Relish preserves the tomatoes in vinegar and means that you get to enjoy tomato yumminess throughout the year. I saw how to make green tomato relish when watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on River Cottage. So the first place I went to look for a recipe for green tomato relish was his website. Then of course I put my own spin on it and spiced things up a little

1.5kg of green tomatoes (I used many different varieties)
4 green apples (peeled)
2 Lebanese cucumbers
3 onions
200g sultanas
275g brown sugar
2 tblspn English mustard
10cm ginger finely diced
1 tspn cayenne pepper
1 1/2 tblspn salt
500mls vinegar

To Make the Relish

Eye the big tomatoes, and cut to similar sizes. Slice onions, apples and cucumbers and place in a heavy pot with all the other ingredients. Slowly simmer for 3hrs, stirring frequently. Put the hot relish in to sterilised jars and seal.

Hearing the This is where I get excited when you hear the jars popping and making an airtight seal is always a fun experience. Put the jars in a cool dark spot for 3 days, then enjoy delish relish with meat dishes or as an addition to a winning sandwich.Green cherry tomatoes

This delicious relish pairs perfectly with a very Australian Kangaroo Meat Pie.