Kidnapped-Birthday Cuddles

Nadene cuddling a baby goat on her birthday.

On my birthday Mark surprised me with flowers picked from the garden of the Mudgee Homestead. We enjoyed a lovely weekend full of hospitality from the hosts.

We drove along roads surrounded by lush green paddocks and clean, crisp air. Whilst out exploring Mudgee I got to cuddle a three day old goat at Leaning Oak….one guess where the phrase ‘kidnapped’ comes from. Of course I want one! Maybe one day I will have my own goats.

I’ve always loved goats and the more I interact with them the more I want them in my hobby farm. Realistically, that is a long way away. I want them so bad I’ve done enough research to know how much space they need, and how tall the fences need to be to keep them out of mischief.

Goats are a huge step up from chickens, and even if I did sneak this little cutie home with me they would destroy my garden. Yes, I did consider long and hard adopting a baby goat that needs bottle feeding every four hours. It just smelt so good and was so warm and cuddly!

Close up headshot of a three Day Old Goat Runt eating a stick on a log.

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