Langkawi cable car

Whilst on our honeymoon, Mark and I went up the mountain at Langkawi on the cable car. The view from up there was amazing!

Langkawi cable car

From the top of the mountain you could see all the islands that surround Langkawi. It was a great comparison after we had island hopped on a boat days earlier.

Langkawi Islands looking down from a birds eye view.

The sky bridge was another story! I told Mark that I wasn’t exactly confident in the construction and maintenance of the bridge and he assured me that it was fine. Since he is a draftsmen and works with engineers drawing buildings all day I figured I should trust his expertise.

So we stepped out on to the bridge. At which point a big gust hit and I casually commented to Mark that I know structures like this need to have movement built in to them, but that was a hell of a lot of movement. At this point he tried to hide his shock, but I can read him like a book.

Langkawi sky bridge.
Langkawi glimpses from cable car

Not long after the big gust and shaking bridge Mark spotted the hand rails and took photographic evidence of the lack of maintenance on the bridge. My assumptions weren’t so wrong after all. Suddenly my concern was justified. I didn’t say “I told you so”, just in case you were wondering. I was relieved and terrified to see evidence supporting my fears that I wasn’t being a major drama queen.

Langkawi sky bridge visible rust not great for paranoid safety offices.

The viewing platforms were a much more comfortable place to enjoy the scenery. We did hang around on them for quite some time. Perhaps because I was avoiding walking on the sky bridge again.

Langkawi viewing platforms.

If you are visiting Langkawi, going on the cable car and getting to that height to enjoy the environment is a must. Going on the sky bridge isn’t essential, even though I treasure the sights were saw out there. I doubt I would do it again without significant structural maintenance being completed on the bridge.

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