Mother Nature’s Weather is Confusing my Chickens Egg Production

Chickens Fry

We have three Australorp chickens, the one above is Fry. She is curious and my favourite. I’ve had her since she was two days old. She grew up in a box in my craft room until she was big enough to go outside. That is probably how she became Baxter’s favourite chicken too.

You may recall from previous posts that the chickens were laying up to five eggs a day between the three of them. That has all turned around now. With the sudden hit of Winter weather during what is meant to be the beginning of Summer the girls are confused. I haven’t seen a single egg for days.

To make matters worse poor Bernie has gone broodie. She is sitting in the nesting box without a single egg under her. I’ve had to push her off, pick her up and throw her out of the coop to eat and drink.

I tried explaining the ‘birds and the bees’ to Bernie. She just doesn’t understand that she needs a rooster to have her own little chicks. Silly chicken. Maybe the bees bit was too far out of left field for her bird brain.

In an ideal situation I’d get Bernie some fertilised eggs to sit on and hatch so she could satisfy her maternal instinct. But I can’t risk getting roosters again.

Bernie isn’t the smartest chicken. She also isn’t the prettiest, with her crop hanging off to one side she always looks like she’s having a bad hair day.

Chicken silly Bernie

I’m crossing my fingers that Mother Nature will get off this bender that she is on very soon. She needs to bring summer back and encourage the chickens to lay eggs again. The need to buy eggs is starting to play on my mind.

Curious Chickens are Hilarious. Fry is The Smartest and Sweetest Chicken.

Chicken curious Fry

And this is just a photo of curious Fry keeping a close eye on the rarely seen unusual creature near her run-the man human known as Mark.

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