How to Make Paleo Chocolate Coconut Balls

These paleo chocolate coconut balls taste so good that everyone thinks they are bad for you. Just keep in mind that they are still a treat. This is my adaptation of the Chocolate Balls of Bliss recipe I found online.


80g Coconut oil or butter

130g Raw Almonds

75g Walnuts

250g Dried, Pitted Dates

65g Dessicated Coconut

25g Organic Cocoa

1/4 tsp sea salt

20g Raw Honey

Method For Making Paleo Healthy Treats

Grind the nuts in a food processor and set them aside.

Put dates, coconut, cocoa, salt and honey in the processor and chop for 30 seconds

Return nuts to the bowl, add the coconut oil, mix until shiny. 

Roll into walnut size balls-then roll in coconut. Refrigerate to firm. Store in fridge.

Alternatively you can press
 the mix into a slab tin and cut into squares.

Enjoy slowly with your favourite brew or on the go in your lunch box.

Paleo Chocolate Balls of Bliss.

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