How to Find Your Quiet Place To Retreat and Recharge

Do you have a favourite quiet place that you can retreat to? Somewhere to go when everything gets too loud and too busy? I’m thankful that I have more than one, but most of them are outside.

My favourite quiet places are in the local national parks. I will go for a walk alone, with my little family and with friends, depending on my mood. Anyone who joins me knows that I always really connect with nature though. Often stopping to talk to birds, lizards, insects, plants and hug the occasional tree.

But where can you find your quite place when it is cold and wet outside?

Do you need to find your quiet place for a whole day, or are you able to recharge with a few minutes or hours of peace?

Do you like to sit alone, or surround yourself with Mother Nature’s creatures?

Sometimes my quiet place is sleep. Sometimes it is just sitting in my loungeroom admiring the new gardens we have created in our new home.

Quiet place view of our new native garden

There are times when my head is so busy and loud that I like to listen to a podcast to tune out. The Brene Brown Podcast is a favourite, as are her books.

Winter is a time for reminding us to seek refuge. To rest, enjoy the quiet moments and recharge for the oncoming summer season. Yet it is all too easy to forget that and try to yield to today’s demands of always being busy. That isn’t healthy for anyone.

So this post is here to remind me and you to regularly seek out our quiet place. Sleep, read, walk, sing, knit, craft or whatever it does that lets you just be you. Do that.

Links to my other quiet place

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