How to Make Lemon Cupcakes

Lemon Cupcakes decorated

I have been feeling the urge to bake for some time now, but with the certain overindulgence that comes after baking I have been resisting. Thankfully I had an excuse to bake recently. I made lemon cupcakes for a special lady’s birthday celebration.

Since it was a special occasion I splurged a little on the decorations. Due to my lack of skill I brought flowers. One needs lots more practice with the icing bag.

The lemon cupcakes were a screaming success, so I thought I would share the recipe that I adapted and made my own. As you can see the decorating process was a creative one and no two cupcakes were the same.

Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Icing Recipe


150g unsalted butter
150g caster sugar
175g self-raising flour
3 eggs (from my girls)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Juice and finely grated rind of one lemon


150g unsalted butter
250g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons warm water
Juice and finely grated rind of one lemon

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and place cupcake cases in tray. Mix all the cupcake ingredients in a food mixer until light and creamy (this is where I taste test the consistency).

Spoon the mixture in to the cupcake cases and place in the oven for 15 minutes then test them with a skewer to check that they are cooked through. If the skewer comes out clean take the cupcakes out of the oven and cool on a wire rack.

To make the icing beat all the icing ingredients together until they are smooth and creamy, then pipe them on to the cooled cupcakes.

Finally, share and enjoy with loved ones for a special treat.

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