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Since we moved house in 2023 we are slowly turning our new yard into a backyard habitat. We sold our luscious backyard that was home to many creatures and was often visited by magpies, kookaburras, lorikeets and king parrots. We moved to a backyard full of hedges and lawn. The lack of biodiversity meant that when we moved in the majority of ‘wildlife’ at our home was flies and cockroaches.

We are adding new plants and healthy compost to the soil, and the good insects and lizards are arriving. After living here for six months we are only just starting to see a reduction in cockroaches and an increase in lizards and birds. I suspect that the previous home owners got the house sprayed for pest insects. This also kills all the good insects and wildlife that feed on the poisoned insects. It will probably take a few years to turn that damage around, but I’m committed to this goal.

Subscribe to watch as we transform lawn and hedges to an oasis for birds, insects, reptiles and humans.

Butterfly on female hand Subscribe for updates

I write mostly about growing food, and life on Sydney’s northern beaches. Occasionally I explore other places and things that might also be of interest to you.

Join me on this journey of life as I attempt to slow down and reconnect with earth.

If you would like to contact me for help with your worm farm or compost bin, or to collaborate, go to