Olivia bush walking with unbreakable Flexi sunglasses on.

Amazing Unbreakable Sunglasses For Your Kids

8 year old girl wearing Flexi sunglasses on a bush walk.

I have no idea how many pairs of sunglasses my kids have gone through. But my need to live sustainably and protect their young eyes was in constant turmoil. That was until I found a great new Australian product, Flexi Sunnies.

Granted I probably push the point of Lara and Olivia wearing sunglasses more than most parents do. We are often outdoors and my eyes are super sensitive to sun and glare, so I want to protect theirs.

My now seven year old daughter who came into this world like a wrecking ball has a knack for destroying things. Hopefully if she is reading this one day she can hear the tone of love in my words. It’s a tough run for first place between the number of umbrellas versus sunglasses that have been lost and destroyed by her. So when I found Flexi Sunnies online I figured for the price they were worth testing to see how long it took my little destructor to destroy them.

Nine year old Lady Lara feeling like a stylish 19 year old in her classic black Flexi Sunnies-feeling bada$$ when her Mum is chilled because her eyes and skin are protected from the sun.

Olivia has been rocking her Flexi Sunnies for seven months now. Somehow they haven’t gotten lost, scratched, lost a screw from the arm or been completely snapped in half. Livy chose the pink and mint flexi sunnies with a purple lense. Funnily enough her five year old cousin coincidently has the same pair. That’s probably because these are a great product made by Australians, which is something I’m always on the hunt for when purchasing something new.

Unbreakable Sunglasses Designed By Aussie Mums

Flexi Sunnies was started by two mums in Melbourne Australia, who just like me were sick of their kids breaking sunglasses. I’m going to assume that like me they weren’t keen on the ‘naff’ designs out there for kids. I love that they have something for babies to ten year olds that look fabulous in bright colours and classic black. We all know that our kids have their own style these days.

Lara and Olivia love that these sunglasses are polarised, which means that they can see fish in the water. At $30 a pair I don’t know how many boxes can be ticked. This is a great Australian company that we need to keep around. Hopefully soon they will start making sunglasses for Mums and Dads with kids that steal sunglasses off their heads.

These sunglasses also make great gifts and you can find other kids gift ideas by clicking the link.

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