Things to Do To Feel Better When You Feel Lost

I originally typed “Things to do when you feel like sh*t” for the title, but that apparently wasn’t acceptable. Yep, you read that right. What happened to honesty?

At the moment you can split my community into three groups of people. The first group says they are great whilst they look like they are running on nervous energy. The second group says they can’t wait for the school holidays so they can slow down. Then you see the look of terror in their eyes as it dawns on them that their children will be home fighting with each other most days. Not giving them a single moment of peace.

Then there’s me in my own little group admitting that things aren’t great in my busy little head. I hate the rush towards Christmas and trying to get all the things done before a magical day. It exhausts me.

One thing is consistent, most of us are admitting to just trying to get to the finish line in one piece after our first full year after the pandemic. Seriously people, I know I’m not the only person feeling exhausted right now. So why am I the only person I know that’s saying it?

Honesty Helps

If you don’t know me, I’m also the person who expresses a ton of gratitude and will say when I’m in a great space. I’m raw and honest, and I’m not going to change that. Hopefully by being brave I can inspire others to speak their truth. When someone says “how are you” only say “good” if you really mean it because there is a very big scale of where any of us can be on that line at any one time. Would you want your friend to tell you they were ‘good’ when they really just needed a huge hug? No, so don’t mask your own feelings.

Mother Nature Makes Us Feel Better

When I’m feeling average (and when I’m feeling effing fantastic), I’m super lucky to be able to walk out to my garden, soak up some sunshine, and breath in fresh air. Granted not everyone still has the privilege of working from home, and not everyone has a garden. But if you can some how get out to a green space for a little mind break, then please, do it. And, if you can garden then definitely do that. Nature bathing is the best medicine and always makes me feel better.

Feel Better with Ocean and Pittwater views from Barrenjoey Head

To Feel Better, Listen to Music

Find yourself a music play list that serves you in that moment. If you need to scream scream, if you need to cry then cry. If you want to dance like a stripper to Unholy then do it. Preferably in something sexy that makes you feel like the magical goddess that you are.

Podcasts are a great option if you feel like listening to something that isn’t music. Brene Brown podcasts are often my go to.

Keep a Journal to Feel Your Feelings

Journal, even when you don’t know what to write about. Pick up your journal, open it, pick up your pen and write the date at the top of the page. The see where you end up. Journaling is something I only just recently got back to, and I can tell you it really does help. I noticed the other day when I was feeling really low that I hadn’t written in my journal for a whole week. Just writing things down gets it out of your head and that is good for your soul. So, I hope the common sense reminder of these few simple things helps get you through the silly season, and every other season.

Now, how do I set a reminder for me to read this regularly and keep myself on track?

Remember to take care of yourself first, then you can be your best self to take care of the people you love xo

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