Time Goes Too Fast When You’re Having Fun

Mum and baby enjoying slow time in the garden.

My last post was on Thursday 19th September, for a very valid reason, I went in to labour at the lovely time of 2am on Friday 20th September. I was lucky enough to be holding my gorgeous baby girl in my arms by 8:22am. Since then I have seriously lost all concept of time. It is amazing how quickly hours fly by when you are starring in amazement at this new little person in your life or taking care of their needs.

That said, we haven’t been completely swallowed up by a black hole and we have managed to get to most social occasions on time. For a couple with an 18 day old baby we sure have packed in a lot of social occasions. Today is also my 30th birthday so we have been catching up with family and friends for that.

In what will soon be the first three weeks of my daughter’s life lots has happened and I’m still in disbelief by how quickly the days are flying by. Miss D is very bonded to her Mum and Dad, and really is the perfect baby. She cries when she is hungry, cold, needs her nappy changed or has wind.

The poor little thing makes wind noises loud enough that she could blame them on the grown up cuddling her and nobody would even question it. A few days ago she started having more awake time and being really alert after feeds which is lots of fun. She also loves a nice warm, deep bath and doesn’t care if you pour water all over her face. We just have to be careful she doesn’t drink it.

As off Sunday she has been upping her milk intake like you would not believe. So no doubt she is gearing up for a growth spurt.

The first morning that Miss D and I were home I went outside to show her the veggie garden and the chickens. She met Jet and Baxter the night we came home and they have protected her ever since. To my surprise most of my seedlings survived, and I have my wonderful in-laws to thank for that as they came over and watered my veggie garden.

I knew that they were checking on my dogs, feeding the chickens and cleaning my bathroom (aka home labour suite) whilst I was in hospital. But I really didn’t expect anyone would even notice the veggie garden.

So to find that things had survived thanks to theirs and Mark’s efforts was a very welcome surprise. I even got to pick and eat a perfectly ripe strawberry that had been warmed by the morning sun. It made me imagine the day that my little girl will have strawberry juice dripping down her chin whilst grinning from ear to ear and making that adorable ‘mmmm’ sound.

The funny part about getting back to a garden update is that my sister and cousin made great fun of me in the hospital on Friday night when they came to meet Miss D. They both had a bit of a hunch that something was happening on Friday morning, and apparently they were joking with each other that I must be in labour because there wasn’t an update on the zucchinis.

Their confession made me laugh. I also informed them that my veggie garden and the progress of it was the only thing keeping me sane whilst I was waiting for my baby. My baby who went three days past forty weeks.

Now getting out in to the veggie garden even just to water it takes some effort. So I really am savouring the fact that I have watered this afternoon.

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