• Amazing Unbreakable Sunglasses For Your Kids

    Amazing Unbreakable Sunglasses For Your Kids

    The best sunglasses for kids that they can’t break, and they’re Australian made. So fashionable and sustainable that you may as well buy your kid two pairs.

  • Practical Books for Parents Who Need Mum School

    Practical Books for Parents Who Need Mum School

    Recommended parenting books if you have strong willed children, don’t want to change them, but need help finding your old parenting perspective,

  • How to Make Waste Free Lunch Boxes

    How to Make Waste Free Lunch Boxes

    How do you make a waste free lunch? Kids love exciting new treats like pretzels or dried mango bought from your local bulk food store.

  • Great Fun Sustainable Gifts For The Whole Family

    I hope this list helps you rethink your gift giving, and makes things a little easier. Let me know if you’ve stumbled upon a great item that needs to be added here.

  • Is There a Food Revolution About to Happen Soon?

    Is There a Food Revolution About to Happen Soon?

    We need to get back to the love of food, the love of flavour and texture, and start reaping all the healthy nutrients that the land provides us when we farm sustainably.

  • 5 easy ways to save water at home

    5 easy ways to save water at home

    Simple every day tips to help you save water in your home.

  • 7 easy ways to reduce plastic pollution at home

    How are you going with your Plastic Free July efforts? If you are new to this effort, give yourself a pat on the back every time you remember your coffee keep cup, reusable drink bottle and reusable shopping bags. It takes time to change habits, so start now.

  • My First Chicken Rooster Harvest Challenge

    My First Chicken Rooster Harvest Challenge

    The real life highs and lows of keeping chickens as back yard pets.

  • 7 Fun Things to Practice More Sustainable Living

    7 Fun Things to Practice More Sustainable Living

    Sustainable living does not have to be difficult. The key is to make it a fun part of your every day. Because if it isn’t fun, the lazy lady part of me won’t bother doing it (what is ironing?). I’m always looking for small, practical changes we can make to reduce our negative impact on our environment…..yes,…

  • How to Install a Raised Garden and Grow Vegetables

    There are many things to consider when making a new garden bed, particularly when the intention is to grow food. The most important thing is the amount of sun that the spot in the garden gets. To grow vegetables you need a minimum of six hours of sunshine a day. When deciding to start growing…

  • Swimming Season Declared Open

    Last Thursday the sun was out and it was beautiful and warm in Sydney. It felt like spring had finally kicked in. I was looking at the pool thinking that in a week or so the water would be warm enough to swim in. A few minutes later when I was tending to the chickens…

  • Siamangs Pair Singing

    Siamangs are the largest of the Gibbon family. My interest towards Gibbons started a few months ago when I saw a White Handed Gibbon gliding through the canopy at amazingly high speed at Taronga Zoo Sydney. This pair at Taronga Western Plains Zoo have fueled my enthusiasm for these amazing creatures.  This breeding pair of Siamangs live…

  • How to Make Ceviche at Home

    On Sunday we had the family over for Pops’ birthday lunch, and my personal chef, aka Mark, did a great job at catering as always. For entree we had Marlin ceviche with beetroot, avocado and herbs. Ceviche is just a fancy way of saying ‘fish cooked in citrus juice’, that’s right, there is no need…

  • Places to Explore in Glorious Orange Rural New South Wales

    After our Tiger encounter at Western Plains Zoo we hit the road and headed to Orange. The back roads were lovely. The drive from Dubbo to Wellington was thoroughly enjoyable, with long windy roads and lush green fields. We stopped in at Wellington to grab some lunch. There we were assisted by a lovely lady in…

  • First Home Grown Artichoke Flower

    On Monday I was pottering around inspecting the veggie patch and spotted our first artichoke flower ever, not just for the season. This is the first time we have planted artichoke. I have been inspecting the artichoke plants for flowers since we arrived home from our road trip last Wednesday. These little guys are very…

  • Western Plains Zoo and Dubbo Gaol

    The drive from Mudgee to Dubbo happened pretty quickly. It was astounding to see how built up Dubbo is when you arrive. It makes plenty of sense, it is the major hub in the Western Plains. However, we were unaware of that before we arrived, and seeing massive home makers centres and factories was not…

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This is how it all started…

My eco-warrior journey started out as a primary school child when the World Wildlife Fund visited my school. I became aware of people who were looking out for Mother Nature and her creatures, and realised that I was one of those people.

The journey of an eco-warrior is never ending, and when I moved out of home I was quick to start growing my own herbs. At the same time I figured I may as well grow my own tomatoes and strawberries too, and this attempt led to an unexpected friendship with my elderly neighbour who didn’t speak English and I who didn’t speak Italian. What my neighbour didn’t know in English she made up for with food growing knowledge and kidness which she passed on to me. It was her influence that has led me down the path of empowering others to grow their own food.

Nadene with chicken

Nadene Dorling

Blogger, Eco-Warrior and Actor